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Yoga for LGBTQI Community and Allies

a Great teacher will hold this SACRED space

Yoga for Queerious Folk


Let's enjoy being in our bodies together in a safe place where we can soften into the often rigid, neglected places that need our loving attention. LGBTQI Yoga Practicioners will be guided on a journey of exploring our inner worlds and how to connect more deeply with breath, body & yogic practice.  An LGBTQI yoga space offers practitioners a loving space to relax into their bodies and create more space for mind, body and spirit to work together as one.  Celebrating LGBTQI practice spaces is central to the Restival's concept of safe & nourishing inclusivity.


We're in discussion with a few special teachers to hold this space in 2021!  Stay Tuned!

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Through OmTara Healing Music and OmTara Events, we express profound gratitude for all the yogic, musical and spiritual practices that assist all living beings to find and embody their true path in this life. Thank you & Sat Nam! 

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Portland, OR



© 2020 by OmTara

with Simple Growth Consulting

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