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Angelle StPierre

Yoga Nidra + Gong Bath



The deeply restful practice of Yoga Nidra invites us gently into the healing trance state of hypnagogia. Reaching this level of presence soothes the nervous system, calms the mind, and connects us to our deep inner wisdom. A practice of non-doing, Yoga Nidra gifts us a welcome respite from the intensity of modern business by guiding us into an experience of deep trust and surrender. 


Our Yoga Nidra journey will be lovingly enhanced by the naad- the sacred sound current, which is the fabric that weaves the individual self with the Infinite Self. The alchemy of these together offers opportunity for a felt experience of our true eternal nature. Join us for this wonderful experience and rest into the gifts of this ancient offering.


Angelle will also be bringing her Gong and other sound healing instruments to compliment the practice. 


about Angelle

Angelle St.Pierre holds dual teaching certifications in both Prana Flow and Kundalini Yoga. She has also been helping people relax and heal as a massage therapist since 2003. Over the years she has come to believe that restorative yoga practices are some of the most helpful antidotes to the stress and busyness of modern life.


Her deep love of assisting others in finding comfort in their bodies, and peace in their minds, inspired her to begin teaching yoga in 2012, though the practice has been with her since her first class in 1997.

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Through OmTara Healing Music and OmTara Events, we express profound gratitude for all the yogic, musical and spiritual practices that assist all living beings to find and embody their true path in this life. Thank you & Sat Nam! 

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Portland, OR



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with Simple Growth Consulting

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