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ZoE Donovan

 Movement & Meditation

Inner-Awakening Sessions: Movement and Meditation


The Energy of our Consciousness is alive and powerful. It is a subtle yet essential piece of our existence that often goes unacknowledged and underutilized. Yet, when we learn to practice and embody a State of Listening, our inner worlds and outer worlds awaken and our ability to intelligently navigate and interact with life expands. Participants will experiment with exercises in movement, meditation and breathwork. 

It’s not about quieting the mind, it’s about guiding it.

about ZoE

Zoë Donovan is an ambassador of compassion, connection and inner-awakening on this planet.  With 21 years of practice and 15 years teaching, she guides experiences that deepen and empower our ability to listen. Rooted in the State of Listening, her classes weave together movement, meditation, breathwork and empowering conversations to wake up the aliveness of life within.


You can find her in Tacoma, WA where she teaches weekly group Yoga-Meditation classes, One-On-One Personal Sessions, quarterly Workshops and six-week, Inner-Awakening Journeys. Her website is

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